1, soft, medium hard and hard rock is generally a complete homogeneous form is appropriate diamond head; hard, hard and broken, UNEVEN, the fissures and high abrasive rock pregnant should use diamond head . 2, the matrix hardness should be based abrasive rock, crushing degree of hardness, particle size and other factors to choose from, the main factor is the degree of rock grinding and crushing. Strong rock grinding, crushing degree powerful, soft, coarse grained selection of hard matrix. On the contrary, abrasive weak, homogeneous complete, hardness, degree of fine rock particles (such as "slippery" rock) selected matrix should be soft. Such as abrasive and hardness conflict, then subject to abrasive, such as the case of strong and abrasive hardness of the rock, the carcass should use special hardware. Otherwise, wear rock matrix quickly, so that the core drilling bit to lose the ability to work. 3, the rock complex, abrasive stronger, more rigid, the choice of diamond grade should be possible, should the finer diamond size. 4, strong abrasive rock, the more crushing, coarse, use a higher concentration of the carcass. 5, soft rock, crushing, grinding and strong, rigid matrix, using an impregnated bit, then core drill bits through the water outlet cross section of the site should be large, multi-outlet should core drill bits. On the contrary, the use of small outlet core drill bits.